Medienberichte und Publikationen rund um Fahrräder, Pedelecs, Technik und Sicherheit

Die häufigsten Sicherheitsrisiken, die uns in der täglichen Arbeit rund um Fahrrad-Sicherheit, -Technik und -Bedienungsanleitungen auffallen, publizieren wir auch in Artikeln in den führenden Fachmagazinen TOUR – Europas Rennrad-Magazin Nr. 1, BIKE – Das Mountainbike Magazin Europas Nr. 1 und E-Bike – Das Pedelec-Magazin, um diese für die Branche wichtigen Informationen einer größeren Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen.

Auch die Eurobike Show Daily, Messezeitschrift der jährlich stattfindenden Eurobike Show, gibt uns seit vielen Jahren die Möglichkeit, unsere Sicht auf wichtige Entwicklungen in der Fahrradbranche in ganzseitigen Artikeln auszuführen.

Darüber hinaus sprechen wir regelmäßig in unabhängigen Fachvorträgen über alle Bereiche der Fahrradtechnik und des Fahrradmarktes. Auch weitere Fach- bzw. Branchenzeitschriften sowie immer häufiger Radio und Fernsehen zitieren uns in ihren Medienberichten und zeigen uns, dass wir mit unseren Hinweisen genau richtig liegen. In der Rubrik AKTUELL erfahren Sie laufend alle Neuigkeiten aus unseren Fachbereichen. Diese Berichte und Publikationen sortieren wir für Sie chronologisch bzw. nach Interessensgebieten.

Aktuell, 2015/11/10
Reading time 1:30 minutes

German associations VSF and ZIV prepare guideline for the modification of pedelecs

The question what bicycle dealers and workshops are allowed to modify on pedelecs and for which components they have to ask for the approval of the vehicle manufacturers and/or the system providers was and is an issue of legal controversy. Early this year the German associations VSF and ZIV had also a controversial debate on this issue (...). What had left was an uncertainty for bicycle dealers which is now eliminated with a joint guidance.

Respective guidelines for the replacement of e-bike components were brought on track in cooperation with the Zedler institute. These are to offer German bicycle dealers an orientation when it comes to changing certain components of a pedelec (assistance up to 25 kmh).

What has been developed is a grid in form of a table (…) which subdivides the components of a pedelec in four categories and which is intended as future guideline for those who are requested to give their approval for the replacement of components on pedelecs:

  • Components which require the approval of the vehicle manufacturer/system provider before the replacement
  • Components which require the approval of the vehicle manufacturer before the replacement
  • Components which require the approval of the vehicle or component manufacturer before replacement
  • Components which do not require a specific approval

This table does not only list the components, but also formulates supplementary remarks. "Another pedal can simply be mounted without consultation, if it is not wider than the original pedal. Otherwise going through a curve in oblique position could turn out to be risky”, explains the expert Dirk Zedler.

There is agreement between Albert Herresthal of VSF and Siegfried Neuberger of ZIV on the fact that the joint guidelines not only represent an overdue contribution in product safety, but also a milestone for the cooperation between industry and retailers.

Author: Jürgen Wetzstein
