Zedler-Institut has been elaborating such manuals for more than twenty years. The two most widespread manuals recently got a comprehensive update. The ”Basic” user manual with brand neutral layout and contents as well as the “Brand Basic” user manual with customer-specific cover were brought up-to-date in terms of bicycle technology. The road bike version, for example, was complemented with thru-axle instructions, the mountain bike manual was updated with a new chapter on the adjustment, use and maintenance of vario seatposts. The EPAC manual was supplemented by information on new drive systems. In addition, all contents were updated legally in consideration of legislative changes for bicycles and pedelecs in countries, such as Germany, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain or Great Britain.
“Our manuals fulfil all necessary requirements and release our customers from liability in legal issues”, says Petra Grunewald, Head of Technical Documentation at Zedler-Institut. In the past six years the “Basic” and “Brand Basic” manuals were printed for more than 100 customers with a total print run of more than 1.4 millions of copies.
Zedler-Institut deliver the “Basic” user manuals in six languages starting from quantities of 50 pieces. According to the Ludwigsburg experts, all versions for mountain bikes, city/trekking bikes, kids’ bikes, BMX bikes and road racing bikes as well as the supplementary instructions for pedelecs/e-bikes are available in Germany ex warehouse within about four working days. “Brand Basic” user manuals could be shipped within about four working weeks upon release by the customer to the specified destination.
Author: Jo Beckendorf
Photo: Zedler-Institut