All about bicycles, electric-assisted bikes, technology and safety in the press

The most common safety risks that we come across in our daily work around bicycle safety, technology and operating instructions are also published by us in articles in the leading German special-interest magazines TOUR (Europe's road bike magazine no. 1), BIKE (Europe's mountain bike magazine no. 1), MYBIKE and EMTB in order to make this information, which is important for the industry, available to a wider public.

For many years now, the Eurobike Show Daily, trade fair magazine of the annual Eurobike Show, has also given us the opportunity to publish our view of major developments in the cycle industry in full-page articles.

We also speak regularly in independent expert presentations about all areas of bicycle technology and the bicycle market. In addition, we are quoted by further special-interest magazines of the industry and the trade as well as increasingly by radio and television in their media reports, which shows us that we are spot on with our advice. The section "News" informs you about the latest news from our specialist areas. The reports and publications of this section are listed chronologically or according to areas of interest., 2011/11/15
Reading time 0:40 minutes

Zedler-institute presents new website as information platform

Zedler-institute have completely revised their internet presence.

The objective: To provides easy access for all interested persons to a wide and diverse range of information on technical and legal issues around the bicycle and the e-bike. The new contents including a wide range from basic knowledge to publications about the topic bicycle safety are presented user friendly and clearly.

Besides detailed information on the modular user manual system and the long-established and leading Performance testing systems, numerous films provide information on topics such as the preparation of expert’s reports, quality assurance, testing technology, patent research and give an insight into the daily work of the test engineers, the experts and the technical documentation department. A short turn through the extensive bicycle museum rounds off the film. comes up with a new corporate design. What strikes most is the material carbon which provides the frame for the appearance of both partner companies Ingenieur- und Sachverständigenbüro für Fahrradtechnik and Zedler – Institut für Fahrradtechnik und - Sicherheit GmbH. Meanwhile, the team around Dirk Zedler includes 13 members.

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