LUDWIGSBURG (p). The “Walk of Fame” in Hollywood is famous. But who knows the “Walk of failure” in Ludwigsburg? For Sandra Detzer, representative for Ludwigsburg in the German Bundestag in Berlin, it was a very special discovery. “For us in Ludwigsburg the ‘Walk of Failure’ tells the history of bicycle accidents and how humanity learns from them”, Detzer marvelled during her visit of Zedler-Institut, the institute for bicycle technology and safety this week. Zedler-Institut has actually installed broken bicycle components from handlebars to headlamps in a long office corridor. However, the exploded battery of an e-bike is also part of the total work of art “Walk of Failure”. “We learn from the failure of technology”, explains CEO Dirk Zedler the installation. His company is allowed to name itself institute because they have been researching and developing bicycle safety for over 20 years, i.e. for bicycles all over the world.
With their sophisticated test procedures Zedler-Institut sets global safety standards for the most important bicycle parts, such as frames, handlebars, chains and wheels. “This is something that all those who cycle in Ludwigsburg can be proud of”, stated Detzer after intensive talks with Zedler. The reason for the MP’s visit was the recent award of Zedler-Institut by the green-led German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) in Berlin as German “Company for Climate Protection”. No more than 51 companies all over Germany are allowed to bear this title, among them now Zedler-Institut as first company in Ludwigsburg and the neighbouring districts Stuttgart, Rems-Murr, Enz and Pforzheim. This was not primarily due to the climate-friendly bicycle technology that Zedler and his 30 employees promote with their work.
Zedler rather earned the respect of the Berlin Ministry because he introduced particularly climate-friendly measures for his employees. For example: Shower facilities at the workplace supporting those who cycle long distances to work. In addition, Zedler had the institute building constructed in such an energy-efficient way that the company produces in a climate-positive way, i.e. with benefits instead of being harmful to the climate.
“Zedler-Institut shows how transformation of companies to climate neutrality is possible and profitable”, says Detzer who is also member of the Economic and Financial Committee of Germany’s Bundestag. That’s exactly what CEO Zedler intends to prove with his third sustainability report for his company next year. The report is intended to show, figure by figure, how climate protection can pay off in terms of business. “For us working for the bicycle is not only a dream job, but also philosophy”, says Zedler. A philosophy that works all the more as the demand for more safety on the bicycle is growing everywhere. Zedler’s core competence in that is testing bicycles to exclude material failure. His “Walk of Failure” also wants to show what the company is fighting against. To make bicycles safer all over the world. According to Detzer “a very rewarding company”.
Author: Vaihinger Kreiszeitung
Photo: Staiger