In addition: Dirk Zedler had implemented an environmentally friendly construction with impressive determination and combined it with the cultural element important to him. His enthusiasm were dedicated to the development and the quality assurance of bicycles; by creating a suitable framework for his team at the same time he would spark their enthusiasm as well and ensure the further development of this enthusiasm.
What was particularly impressing to the jury is the entrepreneurial courage to think big and to implement the own convictions so consequently. During the prize ceremony Dirk Zedler happily stated that it would make them very happy and proud at the same time that the jury acknowledged their vision and decided to award them the "VSF-Ethikpreis". There expansion had been a necessity due to the very good order situation and reflected at the same time that the cycle sector became more professional. The step to invest in a communicative area with an added value for the entire sector had been a matter of heart to him. The "VSF-Ethikpreis" would motivate them still more to continue the further development of this concept with the fullest vigour.
The "VSF-Ethikpreis" is regularly awarded to players of the cycle industry committed to both humans and cycles beyond commercial concerns. With the invitation for nominations for this ethics prize including a prize money of 1,000 Euro, the VSF underlines their commitment to social action, fair work conditions, a respectful interaction with humans and nature as well as to an eco-friendly, sustainable way of working in the entire economic process. According to VSF, this award of ethical action were to inspire imitators, thus supporting a mutual ethical-social further development of the cycle industry. They not only award the prize, but also organize the vivavelo conference of the cycle industry. More informationen at
Author: Jo Beckendorff/VSF
Photos: VSF/Nora Erdmann