Continuous growth of all business fields with meanwhile more than 800 expert reports per year, an above-average growth of our test laboratory activities and a growing number of employees are the reasons to adjust the individual business fields to current conditions. On August 1, 2016, GDFS (Gesellschaft der Fahrrad-Sachverständigen mbH), the limited liability company of bicycle experts, therefore commenced operation.
Dirk Zedler: "Since 1993 my name has been standing for the highest competence level in expert activity in the bicycle sector. Thousands of expert reports for courts, insurance companies, legal and natural persons have contributed to profound clarification of failure cases, the settlement of liability losses, burglary damage and theft; not only in Germany, but also well beyond the borders. In addition, a broad public among consumers meanwhile benefits from our expertise that has grown over the years. To many people I am known as expert on television or as author of specialist books."
However, the only things that will change are the company’s legal form and name. The quality of our expert reports and our employees will remain the same and founder Dirk Zedler stays in the company. In his position as managing director his year-long experience will be fully at the experts’ disposal.