...is it a triumph for you that bicycles are at last being taken seriously as a means of transport?
But hey, what a question! Since I have started to cycle in the city and in cycle races as a sportsman during my automotive studies in Karlsruhe in 1984, I’m completely focussed on bicycles not only personally, but also in my company. Current electric bikes are a blessing, there are no more excuses for not using them.
...can we rely upon every bicycle customary in the trade?
Yes, in technical terms current bicycles and pedelecs are on a very high level. The emphasis lies however clearly on customary in the specialist trade. Unfortunately, there are still lots of bicycles on offer in hypermarkets and do-it-yourself stores that are actually nothing but fabric-new bulk waste.
...have you ever been speechless?
In July 2014. Encouraged by the City of Ludwigsburg we had participated in the competition “Medium-Sized Company Award for Social Responsibility in Baden-Wuerttemberg” awarded by Caritas and Baden-Wuerttemberg’s Ministry of Finance and Economy. And with our commitment to less fortunate and beneficiary people on a regional as well as global level, which is absolutely normal to us, we had won right away.
...what are you missing in Stuttgart region?
The realization and the vision of many entrepreneurs, politicians and citizens that the automotive era is coming to its end and that the success of future mobility can only be ensured with a coexistence of different means of transport reasonably complementing each other, this option being yet more healthy. Other countries are therefore passing by and have better concepts for the future.
...in which other company would you like to be boss for a month?
At Apple, Microsoft or Amazon. To turn inside out a company with such a market position in view of implementing sustainable action throughout the complete company would be great and serve as strong model.