Medienberichte und Publikationen rund um Fahrräder, Pedelecs, Technik und Sicherheit

Die häufigsten Sicherheitsrisiken, die uns in der täglichen Arbeit rund um Fahrrad-Sicherheit, -Technik und -Bedienungsanleitungen auffallen, publizieren wir auch in Artikeln in den führenden Fachmagazinen TOUR – Europas Rennrad-Magazin Nr. 1, BIKE – Das Mountainbike Magazin Europas Nr. 1 und E-Bike – Das Pedelec-Magazin, um diese für die Branche wichtigen Informationen einer größeren Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen.

Auch die Eurobike Show Daily, Messezeitschrift der jährlich stattfindenden Eurobike Show, gibt uns seit vielen Jahren die Möglichkeit, unsere Sicht auf wichtige Entwicklungen in der Fahrradbranche in ganzseitigen Artikeln auszuführen.

Darüber hinaus sprechen wir regelmäßig in unabhängigen Fachvorträgen über alle Bereiche der Fahrradtechnik und des Fahrradmarktes. Auch weitere Fach- bzw. Branchenzeitschriften sowie immer häufiger Radio und Fernsehen zitieren uns in ihren Medienberichten und zeigen uns, dass wir mit unseren Hinweisen genau richtig liegen. In der Rubrik AKTUELL erfahren Sie laufend alle Neuigkeiten aus unseren Fachbereichen. Diese Berichte und Publikationen sortieren wir für Sie chronologisch bzw. nach Interessensgebieten.

BIKE 01/2022
Reading time 1 minute

The Eco-Tester

Dirk Zedler, bicycle expert from Ludwigsburg, has given advice to BIKE for more than 20 years. His test stands are essential part of our tests. The almost 30-strong company acts in an environmentally safe way which is unusual.

An eco-house in an industrial estate already is unusual in itself. But the flat-built company building of Zedler-Institut in Ludwigsburg is environmentally absolutely top. It has even been awarded the platinum certification of the German Sustainable Building Council - the association has no higher praise to bestow. To get this far, the architects had to turn all the controllers. As much wood and as little concrete as possible were used. The rainwater is collected and contributes significantly to the supply of the building. Due to a sophisticated ventilation system as well as insulation and construction the building does not need air conditioning. Heating is primarily provided by the waste heat from the test stands and air compressors as well as by three heat pumps, which in turn are powered by Black Forest hydropower and the energy from the building's own solar cells. “With a building as well insulated and constructed as ours, you are more likely to have a problem with too much heat in summer than too little in winter”, says Dirk Zedler. 80 sensors constantly check the power and heat management to detect even the smallest compressed air leaks and wastage.

When it comes to materials, Zedler’s eco-ambitions extend to door handles made from old stems and coat hangers from former aluminium rims. Packaging materials for shipping the test samples are recycled as a matter of principle. A separate storing place contains sorted cardboard rolls and boxes as well as padding materials.

The day-to-day work of the boss and his employees is also somewhat “greener” than in the companies around: Since 2018, there have been no more business trips by air; for external appointments one relies upon Bahncard and folding bike. Employees cover three quarters of their journeys to work by foot or bicycle. If they break a sweat, climate-friendly heated shower water waits for them - and a free apple spritzer from local orchard meadows.

Dirk Zedler:
With a product that makes cities more liveable, healthy, climate-friendly and fun to use, the bicycle industry holds important trump cards. Now it is time to stand together as an industry to set the course in politics for a change in mobility in favour of cycling.

Year of foundation: 1993
Company building: Ludwigsburg
Employees: 30
Sales: not indicated

Author: Jörg Spaniol

