The Zedler Team

Julius Weimann

Laboratory & Programming

Graduate Engineer (FH)

Julius Weimann joined the Zedler team in July 2016. The graduate of the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS) was in one of the last student classes that received the German title Diplom-Ingenieur (FH). Already during his studies he was particularly interested in the subject "carbon". As a consequence he wrote his diploma theses about the load-specific design of a bicycle rim made of fibre-reinforced plastics. As part of the Zedler team he is now involved in the performance of the testing orders.

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Testing & Testing Technology
Testing Services – Testing Systems

GDFS – Experts Reports
Expert Assessment, Bicycle Expert Training Courses

Technical Documentation
Bicycle User Manuals, E-Bike Operating Instructions, Risk Assessments, Recall Assistance, Basic Workshop "Product Safety and Liability, CE Marking"

Management / Administration