The Zedler Team

Philipp Kipker

Head of Quality Assurance

Master of Science

The graduate mechanical engineer of TU Clausthal and experienced mountain biker wrote his master theses at the test laboratory of Zedler-Institut. He focussed on basic research relating to the topic brake test stand and elaborated for his final paper "Studies assessing the influences on braking behaviour". Since June 2018 he is a permanent member of the Zedler team. He is involved in the performance of the testing orders and prepares the accreditation of the test laboratory.

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Testing & Testing Technology
Testing Services – Testing Systems

GDFS – Experts Reports
Expert Assessment, Bicycle Expert Training Courses

Technical Documentation
Bicycle User Manuals, E-Bike Operating Instructions, Risk Assessments, Recall Assistance, Basic Workshop "Product Safety and Liability, CE Marking"

Management / Administration