3. Parliamentary circle on cycling Baden-Wuerttemberg
At the beginning of the year, Baden-Wuerttemberg was the first federal state to establish a parliamentary cycle group at the state level. The third meeting of the members of parliament took place under the title “The bicycle as an economic factor” at Zedler-Institut in Ludwigsburg. The topics included the strong growth of the industry, a German professorship specifically for bicycle engineering and the current economic situation. We thank our founding member Zedler-Institut for the successful event and look forward to future-oriented political cooperation in Baden-Wuerttemberg!
6. News from the membership
First of all, we would like to congratulate our founding member JobRad on winning the “EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2022” business award! Ulrich Prediger, Sandra Prediger und Holger Tumat won the annual award in the sustainability category presented by the consulting firm Ernst&Young (EY). According to EY, this year's award winners “...impress with their entrepreneurial courage and innovative strength in challenging times”. Great performance @JobRad!
And now two news from members of Zukunft Fahrrad, who are also committed to the highest level of sustainability. Zedler-Institut as well as Ampler are among the pioneers in the industry and set new standards in climate protection.
Zedler-Institut becomes Company for Climate Protection
In October, Zedler-Institut was the first company in the cycle industry to be honoured by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action as a new member of the association of German Companies for Climate Protection (“Klimaschutz-Unternehmen e.V.”). All in all six companies were awarded among other things for their operational measures to increase energy and resource efficiency as well as for their investments in renewable energies. Dirk Zedler is founder and managing director of the Institute and deputy chairman of the board at the German bicycle association Zukunft Fahrrad. We warmly congratulate him and the Institute on this award!
Parliamentary circle on cycling on the topic “Alliance bicycle + rail”, Berlin
Parliamentary circle on cycling on the topic “The bicycle as abusiness factor”, Zedler-Institut, Baden-Wuerttemberg
SPD faction night on road traffic law, Berlin
Presentation of the EY Entrepreneur of the Year award, Berlin
Press conference bicycle and rails, Berlin
Advisory Council Cycling, Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, Berlin
VSF annual conference, Leipzig
Technical discussion mobility budget, Berlin
Authors: Andrea Richter, Henni Birkner and the branch office