New developments in bicycle technology and new legal regulations regularly require revisions of the user manuals. Zedler-Institut grabbed the chance: together with the latest updates of their popular Basic user manuals in terms of contents the layout was redesigned.
Bicycle and pedelec manufacturers and importers who want to position themselves as customer-friendly suppliers and protect themselves against unjustified liability claims cannot do without practicable user manuals for their products. Manuals which meet these requirements must be precise, detailed, up-to-date, easy to understand and comply with the ISO/DIN standards.
Zedler-Institut has been elaborating such manuals for more than twenty years. The two most widespread two manuals were subject to a comprehensive update. The Basic manuals with brand neutral layout and contents as well as the Brand Basic manuals with customer-specific cover were brought up-to-date in terms of bicycle terminology. The road bike version, for example, was complemented with thru-axle instructions. The mountain bike manual was updated with a new chapter on the adjustment, use and maintenance of vario seatposts. The EPAC manuals were completed with information on new drive systems. In addition, all contents were updated legally in consideration of legislative changes for bicycles and pedelecs in countries, such as Germany, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain or Great Britain.