All about bicycles, electric-assisted bikes, technology and safety in the press

The most common safety risks that we come across in our daily work around bicycle safety, technology and operating instructions are also published by us in articles in the leading German special-interest magazines TOUR (Europe's road bike magazine no. 1), BIKE (Europe's mountain bike magazine no. 1), MYBIKE and EMTB in order to make this information, which is important for the industry, available to a wider public.

For many years now, the Eurobike Show Daily, trade fair magazine of the annual Eurobike Show, has also given us the opportunity to publish our view of major developments in the cycle industry in full-page articles.

We also speak regularly in independent expert presentations about all areas of bicycle technology and the bicycle market. In addition, we are quoted by further special-interest magazines of the industry and the trade as well as increasingly by radio and television in their media reports, which shows us that we are spot on with our advice. The section "News" informs you about the latest news from our specialist areas. The reports and publications of this section are listed chronologically or according to areas of interest.


A great cycle year comes to its end: Consistently nice weather, the cycle sport is no longer sole (doping) scapegoat due to overdue, negative reports from other worlds of sports, politics slowly opens up to the bicycle issue and a satisfactory business development in the cycle industry is going on, as far as we heard.
We are happy to be part of this unreservedly positive development and are looking back on an extremely challenging, but at the same time very successful year.
Thanks a lot to all of our customers for a record-breaking growth in all business fields.

My personal thanks goes to the entire team which has taken on this enormous burden and handled it extraordinarily well with full commitment. If some orders haven’t been fulfilled ad hoc, we ask you to be lenient with us in view of Christmas coming up.

To be able to continue to support you with expertise and dedication as well as with efficiency, we made a number of important forward-looking decisions. Apart from ongoing recruitment to strengthen our team, I signed the purchase contract for a parcel of land last week. In spring the groundbreaking for the new bicycle technology centre will take place a few metres away from the current company premises.

Matter of heart will be the bicycle event museum which will find its place inside. With about 300 selected, contemporary historical bicycle exhibits that we have collected together with a collector friend, we are able to install changing exhibitions focusing on special subjects from 2017 on. I’m pleased to invite you already today to organize your sales or retailer training or similar events in the training section of the building.

With a positive foresight I wish you, also in the name of the complete Zedler team, Merry Christmas and a successful New Year 2016 as well as some rest and recreation for the upcoming days

Your Dirk Zedler

P.S. We’ll take advantage of the Christmas holidays and the turn of the year to gather new strength for next year. Between Christmas and New Year you can contact us at info(at) From January 11, 2016 on we'll be back highly motivated and ready for action.



Instead of presents

As in the years before, we've refrained from sending presents to our business partners. Last week, we donated instead a substantial sum to various organisations promoting humanity, to crisis areas and for the conservation of nature.
We herewith want to make our contribution to less transportation on the anyway heavily congested roads during the Christmas season.



You want to get in touch with us?

On January 21 and 22, 2016 Dirk Zedler will hold a lecture at Battery University.



At the  vivavelo conference of the cycle sector in Berlin on April 18 and 19, 2016 you can also join lectures by Dirk Zedler.


A few weeks ago the first revision of parts of the ISO standard 4210 in force since January 2015 and binding since August 2015 was published. At first sight, the latest edition of the ISO 4210 deviates only in details from the EN standards which have been valid for bicycles so far. However, as it is so often the case, the devil is in the details and therefore there is the need for some modifications compared to the previous test procedure, i.e. to the order.

The assessments regarding the classification of cracks and breakages have changed a little and hence improved allowing extended test scenarios with the same component. We took this as an opportunity to question our previous test criteria including Advanced+ which had (already) been extended beyond the standard and to improve them once again.

As we have been performing the tests for you in accordance with the ISO standard for a rather long period of time in our laboratory, these extended, type-specific requirements have already been tried out sufficiently. This benchmarking carried out internally provides you with certainty about the validity of the results. Now it is time to publish the respective price lists. The good news is that the prices for some test procedures for components have decreased, e.g. the Advanced and Advanced+ tests of mountain bike frames.

Unfortunately, this is not the case for all components. For this reason a plea from my side: We typically perform complete, i.e. fully standard-compliant tests. Therefore, take a closer look when comparing prices and check whether the big number of complementary requirements per component are actually tested by other providers. Otherwise you’ll compare apples with oranges.

I wish you a pleasant Advent season in the name of the entire team,
Dirk Zedler



ISO – pros and cons

Often tests in accordance with the standards are viewed with a great deal of suspicion, as is the case with the still young ISO 4210. This suspicion is, however, unfounded. Based on the time-honoured DIN 79100 standard originating from the nineties, the EN standards were brought into force in 2006. Under the umbrella of the International Organization for Standardization these standards were converted with moderate modifications into the internationally recognised ISO standards 4210 and 8098.

After nearly one year of ISO testing we draw a positive balance. In other words: If all bicycles were tested in accordance with the ISO requirements and had passed these tests successfully, the five bicycle experts of our experts department would be less busy.

In several cases verification tests under standard requirements revealed that components which had failed in the field also failed on the testing system with repeat accuracy. The accidents that have happened as well as the entire handling including the costs incurred for the claim could have been easily avoided.

The important thing in this connection: The combination of fatigue, overload and impact test must be tested in an intelligent order and, in addition, entirely with one component. This is the only way to ensure reliability. For this reason we preferably perform complete tests.

Permitted, but fatal: It is permitted to carry out every individual test with a new unit under test. Be sure not to exploit this gap in the standards hereby undermining the reliability of your products.



ISO + EN = safe?

An important fact to know: It is not enough to only fulfil the bicycle-type-specific ISO requirements, if

  • bicycles are used hard or as sports equipment,
  • a higher total weight than the implicit ISO standard weight of 100 kg is permitted and
  • the target group sets specific requirements (parents’ taxi with trailer, bike couriers, All-Mountain, Enduro etc.).

We therefore complement our Basic, Advanced and Advanced+ requirements beyond the standard in the load types which are specific for the target group. As a consequence we apply for example more loads to the drive train of a road bike where the highest loads are acting in reality as well. Breakages actually occur in the area of the chainstay and in the area of the bottom bracket.

The same applies to pedelecs which are currently to be tested in accordance with the EN 15194 standard. We do not believe, we actually know that the tests in accordance with the standards are not sufficient.

Which pedelec including rider does actually weigh only the standard-based 100 kg? Considering the fact that a bicycle weighs 25 kg, there remain no more than 75 kg for rider and luggage. Hand on heart, this is a weight that most of us already easily exceed.



ISO = worldwide standard = release from liability

When visiting bicycle test laboratories in the past years, you typically came across forces and load cycles from the previous EN standards. This means that the standards most advanced in their day had already been accepted and were worldwide in practice.

With the ISO standard there has not been much substantive change. The standard’s significance as component for the manufacturers’ release from liability in possible claims, however, may have increased a lot. The reason for that is the participation of many countries in the standard committees. With Australia, the USA, Brazil, China and us Europeans, representatives of four continents are represented.

For this reason the standard is accepted worldwide and has been strengthened considerably. In other words, there’s no getting around the "basis", i.e. the successfully passed and per component specific requirements from the ISO standard.



Comfort seat posts in Europe’s number 1 mountain bike magazine "bike"

Issue 12/2015 of the German bike magazine published a seat post test with comfort demand – with interesting results.
Not only for the determination of the measured stiffness values, but also for the operational strength tests Europe’s biggest mountain bike magazine relies upon the competence of the laboratory team at Zedler-Institut.

In particular, the operational strength test clearly illustrates the current realisation of the balancing act between standard-based safety and actual operational strength. On the basis of the ISO, tests are performed with higher loads, of course in reduced number and mixed sequence.

The loads are mainly introduced into the saddle dummy. That’s how it is laid down in the standard which is basically okay. This is extensively sustained by the measurements of the loads occurring during the ride – keyword: real data collection – that we accompanied among others for the German magazines of Delius Klasing Verlag. However, measurements, in particular in the case of mountain bikes, also revealed that loads are occasionally introduced into the saddle nose. Alternating loads are particularly harmful. If these loads occur during real cycling, this must be tested, otherwise the test does not result in a fair assessment of the components.



Heroes of the new mobility

Baden-Wuerttemberg’s Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Winfried Hermann, presented the certificates (and material prizes) to the prize winners of this Regional Prize which was awarded this year for the first time.

Right in the middle Dirk Zedler, who was awarded for his long-standing commitment for the safety and user-friendliness of bicycles and pedelecs.





You want to get in touch with us?

On January 21 and 22, 2016 Dirk Zedler will hold a lecture at Battery University.



At the vivavelo conference of the cycle sector in Berlin on April 18 and 19, 2016 you can also join lectures by Dirk Zedler.


There has never been a better time for a mobility upheaval than in these days. The automotive industry is partly dismantling itself. And only persons living in the past still stick to the persisting monopoly position of the car. Politics is making a turn, as well.
In Baden-Wuerttemberg, the land of Mercedes Benz and Porsche, the government is making efforts to efficiently combine various means of transport and to hereby have a positive influence on traffic and emissions. One of the measures is the campaign "Heldinnen und Helden der neuen Mobilität" (Heroes of the new mobility) which aims at acknowledging merited persons from this sector and showing those standing behind this change.

The fact that I was elected "hero" is for me a clear signal that not only the jury, but also the Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure takes notice of the bicycle and the pedelec (EPAC) as an equal means of transport.
There is currently a public vote on the internet, where people are asked to select their three favourites from the ten elected heroes. For this purpose short videos showing the work of the title winners can be watched online. I should be glad to have your vote as favourite to emphasize the value of the title "Hero of the new mobility" and to hereby promote the bicycle still further.

Other issues of this newsletter are the new ISO standard, a training on "Legislation in the world of bicycles" in cooperation with Reuschlaw law office as well as the welcome turn of the hot and much discussed topic "Replacement parts of pedelecs".

Enjoy reading,
Dirk Zedler



ISO, EN or better still DIN, NF or BS?

"According to which standard are we supposed to test?", is on top of the list of the FAQs of the past weeks. The answer is quite simple: According to ISO and, of course, beyond depending on the requirements to the bicycle.

Since August 1, 2015, the ISO standard 4210 has been the only bicycle standard for city, trekking, mountain, road and youth bikes in force. All ISO related countries had to withdraw their previous national standards and to implement the ISO as national standard. In Germany the standard therefore reads DIN EN ISO 4210, in France NF EN ISO 4210, in Great Britain BS EN ISO 4210 and so on. As regards the minimum requirements concerning bicycle safety, countries from A like Australia to U like United States are on the same level. For this reason the moderately adjusted ISO standard based on the previous EN standard should be considered very positive, as it is in force (almost) all over the world.

However, don’t consider yourself safe after a successfully passed ISO test. Bicycles doing harder service, higher additional loads or in the case of mountain bikes harder conditions of use require harder tests.

We don’t want to hype up scare, but this is simply based on the experiences of our test customers. In the past they had repeatedly been concerned by breakages in the field in spite of successfully passed tests according to the standards by the suppliers in Asia. Smart tests going beyond the standard can decrease the complaint rate significantly, hereby reducing the risk of being held responsible for severe losses and damage.

We’ll provide you with more information on the ISO standard in our next newsletters.



Excellent heroes of the new mobility: participate and vote online

The official statement of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure explains:

The state award "Heldinnen und Helden der neuen Mobilität" (Heroes of the new mobility) is close to its climax, i.e. the online election of three favourite heroes. These will be announced on the occasion of an award ceremony on November 25, 2015 in Stuttgart and honoured by the Minister Winfried Hermann.

Since September 14, 2015 citizens have the chance to view diverting short films and elect their three favourites, i.e. their three personal public heroes.
The campaign "Neue Mobilität: bewegt nachhaltig" (New mobility: moves sustainably) of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure intends to support those who co-create actively sustainable mobility – be it as scientist, bus driver, businessman or in any other function. With this intention in mind the state award "Heroes of the new mobility" was initiated.

In spring 2015 committed professionals of all branches affected by sustainable (personal) mobility could apply or were nominated by third parties. Numerous interesting applications and nominations were handed in to the team organizing the campaign.

An expert jury met in July 2015 and had the onerous task of electing all in all ten award winners from the big number of impressive applications and nominations.

You’ll find portraits of these elected "Heroes of the new mobility" from now on in exciting short films presented online to the broader public.

Now, it’s up to you to make your "Hero of the new mobility" winner via online vote: Every vote counts – support your hero.



Replacement of parts on pedelecs: yes or no?

For many months we’ve been informing in training courses, lectures and press releases about the risk that the CE-marking may become void by replacing components of pedelecs.
After the Zedler institute had initiated the subject two years ago, different voices were heard interpreting the facts in a different way. Our credo has always been and still is that there is no absolute clarity without judgement.

Last Thursday representatives of the German bicycle association (ZIV e.V.) and the German service and bicycle association (VSF g.e.V.) met with us in our Ludwigsburg office to discuss and prepare a working paper. This guideline will be finally discussed in the boards of both associations and hopefully adopted by October 15, 2015.

It is planned to present it to the bicycle work group (AG Fahrrad) by the end of October 2015 and to reach a still broader consensus. In case it will, this guideline will be a first step for the dealers in terms of safety when repairing and adjusting pedelecs.




Business brunch: liability traps in the bicycle industry

Are you steady in the saddle when it comes to law? You don’t have to? Careful! Lots of staff members of bicycle manufacturers and dealers have already walked right into the trap and spent a lot of time in making up for the omissions.
The law office Reuschlaw specialized in product liability law organizes together with us a free business brunch on this range of topics.

See the flyer to know what you can expect apart from meat and drink. Register here to attend the event on November 13, 2015 at the SRAM training centre in Schweinfurt.






New! Newsletter testing systems Performance

For many years we’ve not only offered test services in our laboratory, but also sold our Performance testing systems to manufacturers.

Due to the rapid development in the frame and fork construction, we developed new accessories to make sure that bicycle frames and forks with the new axle standards (thru-axle systems, fat-bike tire sizes etc.) can be mounted reliably to the testing systems without allowing any measurement errors.

This newsletter will be published in English language only.

Customers of our testing systems or customers to be can subscribe here.


Late in the season, but all the more diligent, the German TV-channel NDR featured bicycles in its program "Markt". Obviously initiated by the editors’ own experience, they bought low-priced bicycles at DIY-stores and the like and tested them in cooperation with our team in practice and laboratory. We were not surprised by the results. Let’s hope the viewers will draw the right conclusions from it. You may watch the program by clicking on the link further down the page.

In order to make information on different subjects regarding bicycle technology and safety even more accurate and comprehensible, we have just launched another newsletter especially for customers of our Performance testing systems.

Have a smooth final spurt towards the Eurobike and hopefully the time to ride a bike yourself from time to time,

Dirk Zedler



Newsletter Performance testing systems

For many years we have not only offered testing services in our laboratory, but have also sold our Performance testing systems to manufacturers.

As frame and fork design are developing quickly, we constructed new accessories in order to also fix bicycle frames and forks of new axle standards (thru axle, fat bike widths a.s.o.) securely on our testing systems and to avoid measuring errors.

Attention, this newsletter will be published in English language only.

Customers of our testing systems or those who would like to become customers Please subscribe here.



New: Newsletter Performance testing systems

For many years we have not only offered testing services in our laboratory, but have also sold our Performance testing systems to manufacturers.

As frame and fork design are developing quickly, we constructed new accessories in order to also fix bicycle frames and forks of new axle standards (thru axle, fat bike widths a.s.o.) securely on our testing systems and to avoid measuring errors.

Attention, this newsletter will be published in English language only.

Customers of our testing systems or those who would like to become customers please subscribe here.



NDR Markt – Bicycle test, August 3, 2015, 8:15 pm

Low-priced bicycles. How do they perform on the road and in the laboratory? (approx. 8 minutes)



Cycling tour in Ludwigsburg – Donation and cup

"Strongest group" collects kilometres for bicycles for Africa

The cyclists of the Zedler institute were once again the strongest i.e. biggest group at the cycling tour "Ludwigsburger Barockrundfahrt". For every kilometre ridden, we will donate 30 cents to World Bicycle Relief.

The employees of Zedler – Institut für Fahrradtechnik und -Sicherheit GmbH do not only fight for the bicycle. They fight on the bicycle, too. For the fifth consecutive time the Zedler-troop was the biggest group participating in the Barockrundfahrt cycling tour organized by the local club RSC Komet in Ludwigsburg. Despite outdoor temperatures of only 12 degrees Celsius, they rode either 80 or 125 kilometres, together with business partners, friends and their families as well as another 300 participants.



The corporate management provided the cyclists with grilled sausages and drinks after their tour and the charity organisation World Bicycle Relief with a donation of 30 cents for every one of the all in all 2,405 kilometres ridden by the team. This means seven bikes which will render 35 socially challenged people in Africa mobile. Alternately and according to the support needed, World Bicycle Relief will sponsor an adequate number of wheels or trainings of bicycle mechanics.



The Radlerist

The bike is on the rise and even in a city with many car suppliers a bicycle culture is growing. The new, cost-free bicycle newspaper for Ludwigsburg is a mix of entertainment and constructive criticism of the opportunities to cycle.



Are you interested in getting in touch with us?

Nearly the complete Zedler team will be at the Eurobike Show in Friedrichshafen from August 26 to 29, 2015.

If you want to meet us, please call us for an appointment at +49 (0) 7141/29 99 27-0 or send us an email to vertrieb(at) .


Since December 2012 we've regularly provided our customers and partners with information on testing and technical documentation issues – key words: obligation to instruct, legal situation – in a German newsletter. From now on this highly appreciated newsletter will be published in English language as well, to keep our worldwide customers and partners also up to date.

"Riding stability remains a problem", that’s what the specialist press filtered from the last newsletter on the subject of testing solutions and/or monitoring to improve the riding behaviour of pedelecs. A conclusion, which is certainly not true. We don’t want to criticize from the Ivory Tower. We want to eliminate weak points or prevent them from coming up by providing you with clear parameters in comparison to the values of sound products. We point out individually the potential for improvement instead of making recommendations only by the seat of our pants. You can therefore constructively fix things where actually necessary.

It’s always not only technology, but also the accompanying measures to the products which are essential and of major importance. In fact, it has been stipulated by each law, directive or standard relating to product safety for many years that operating or assembly instructions in the respective national language must be supplied with the product. The requirements on the product marking are precisely defined as well.

It is relatively new, however, that these requirements are partly subject to stringent controls and fined in the event of non-observance. Once lawyers and attorneys as well as judges ask for the complete documentation of an exclusively muscle-driven bicycle following an accident or just by chance, experience has shown that in the case of pedelecs missing or insufficient accompanying documents are a reason to fine manufacturers regardless of that and to threaten a sales ban.

Our experienced team stands by your side to prevent you from that, not only with advice and assistance, but with finished products.

We do not only warn you, we don’t accuse and don’t want to inspire fear. We offer solutions to pave the way for a positive means of transport and sports equipment, the bicycle, in a positive future.

With kind regards
Dirk Zedler



User manuals: saving means losing

User manuals? "Well yes, there’s no without, says legislation. But we’ll keep it on low flame, they only generate costs and after all, hardly anyone reads them. We’ll certainly find something less expensive, something standardized."

That’s how controllers or product managers often handle the subject of documentation. But what many of them don’t know: In the event of a liability claim, it will be checked carefully whether the bicycle is described and categorized sufficiently in the accompanying documentation. This means, in the case of a user manual at least, it must be provided in the official language of every country the product is sold in.

This is defined and available for reference in virtually each relevant European law as well as in the respective standards and ISO standards. Already here begins the border area between acceptable and unacceptable.

In particular translations from Asia or Eastern Europe make people laugh, because the texts are nearly incomprehensible. Such kind of texts, however, can have serious consequences in the event of a liability claim. A good (multilingual) user manual must meet certain quality standards. For this reason our manuals are translated exclusively by graduate translators, mostly native speakers who are absolutely familiar with the world of bicycles.

A high-quality translation is not yet all you need: Ever since the verdict of the Higher Regional Court Nuremberg (OLG Nuremberg) awareness for the importance of user Manuals has been raised more and more. Already an imprecisely described field of use of a bicycle can have disastrous consequences. As once the loss has occurred, it’s too late.



Officially confirmed: high quality of user manuals

But how can you tell in advance, apart from linguistic clarity, whether a user manual provides highest liability security if the worst comes to the worst? The best solution and first choice for manufacturers producing large volumes of bicycles identical in design is the production of user manuals written individually for the products.

If your budget or production doesn’t allow this option, you may choose the "Basic" category of our high-quality user manuals. The quality of these manuals has proved to be good on the occasion of various controls by the authorities:

  • The manuals of several of our customers passed the test criteria of an all in all 11-page check list of the market surveillance by the trade licensing offices in Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia "without initial suspicion", i.e. successfully. That’s not the rule.

  • The manuals of our business partners also passed the PrSG control procedures of the Swiss Council for Accident Prevention (bfu) without deficiencies.

  • Standard testing conducted by stately authorized test laboratories in France: User manuals of our customers were repeatedly put to the test. They always proved to be compliant to the standards. There it is all the more important, as in our neighbour country the EN standards and in future the ISO 4210 standard are turned into law by decree.

  • With user manuals in more than 30 languages, our customers are acting successfully on the markets of the world. During the nearly 20 years in which we have been developing user manuals, our customers never informed us about bans on imports or problems with the authorities due to the technical documentation accompanying the product.



Top marks for you, top service for your customers

Stiftung Warentest, the German foundation for comparative product testing, is one of the institutions rating user manuals strictly with school marks. The results of the latest four tests in an overview:

Conclusion: In the past years our user manuals were exclusively among the "good" or "very good" rated manuals. They were never rated "satisfactory", "adequate" or even "inadequate".
Even though we don’t agree in many points with the technical test methods and a few results of the German product testers: We are happy with these continuously excellent results throughout the years which demonstrate that precise and meticulous work pays.

We should be glad to work out for you a perfect package from our portfolio. Depending on your wishes, quantities and budget we offer four different bicycle user manuals:






Number of bicycles/pedelecs in the test   





Rated "very good" all in all


Not awarded

Not awarded


Of these from the Zedler institute





Rated "good" all in all





Of these from the Zedler institute





Rated "satisfactory"





Of these from the Zedler institute





Rated "adequate" and "inadequate"

Not awarded




Of these from the Zedler institute





User manuals - Basic

  • Cost effective option
  • Available from quantities of 50 pieces on
  • Rapid delivery, as available ex stock in DE, EN, FR;
  • Pedelec in 6 languages
  • No major stock holding costs for you
  • Clear A5-format
  • Reliable and easy-readable user manual with very good marks, always including the latest developments in technology and legislation

User manuals – Brand basic

  • Higher perceived value, as the customer recollects your branding
  • Eight pages that can be freely designed: Space for your brand, your guarantee and tips
  • Bicycle of your brand on fold-out cover (description of components)
  • Up to three languages per booklet

User manuals – Individual

  • Content like "Basic" and "Brand basic" manuals
  • Eight pages that can be freely designed: Space for your brand, your guarantee and tips
  • Up to 20 pictures, logos etc. in the contents, welcoming the customer, company brand in the contents
  • Up to three languages per booklet
  • Optional PDF-files for internet use and supplementary CD-ROM

User manuals – Premium

  • Option for individual components and fully assembled bicycles
  • Contents and cover are designed according to the portfolio of your brand
  • Photographs of your latest bicycle models are taken in all situations
  • Optional PDF-files for internet use and supplementary CD-ROM


14 bicycles for World Bicycle Relief

On occasion of this year’s Sachsenheimer Lichtenstern Tour the Zedler institute donated 30 euro cent per kilometre ridden by their team members, business partners, relatives and friends of the company to "World Bicycle Relief". The tour offered distances between 53 and 168 km (counted from the Zedler institute). Thanks to the large group of participants all in all 5,003 kilometres were collected. These allow for 14 new, solid Buffalo bicycles for Africa to be financed by the project.

Managing director Dirk Zedler: "Bicycles are a major source of income in Africa. After having sent there a number of second-hand bicycles directly in the past years, we are glad that this year our donation enables another 70 Africans to manage their lives a little better by the joint use of the bicycles.


Jury list for the "Grand SME prize 2015"

This year again, we made it onto the jury list in the competition "Grand SME prize" after having been nominated fortunately once again by the City of Ludwigsburg after our first nomination in 2014. By reaching the second level of the selection procedure (5,009 companies had been nominated for the first level) our Zedler – Institut für Fahrradtechnik und -Sicherheit GmbH ranges currently among the best 815 small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany. This demonstrates our consistent and innovative work as an enterprise in a future-oriented sector. And it proves that the bicycle is on its way to occupy a position which becomes more and more important in terms of mobility, for the economy as well as the society.


The press about us or "do good and let the others report about it"